TOP 20 Commands : Git/GitHub Cheat Sheet
TOP 20 Commands Git/GitHub Cheat Sheet Git and GitHub: Git is the actual version control system. It is an open source DVCS (distributed version control system) that runs in the command line. This basically means it saves the entire history of the project. GitHub, commonly confused with Git, is actually a repository hosting service. Installation of GIT & Creating A/C on GITHUB: Download GIT for window/Mac(depends upon OS) Use Git Bash, which is available when you install Git Once git is installed go ahead and create a free account to GitHub. Cheat Sheet Command-1: git init This will create a .git repository in your project. A repository or “repo” is a collection of all the changes you’ve made to your project over time and will build a history of these changes. This is the first thing you want to do with a new project. Command-2: git config --global "Your Name" git config --global " " This sets up you...